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Anti-fraud Union | Building a Global Network Integrity Community

2018-03-14 APUS

On March 14, the "Anti-fraud Union" initiated by APUS, Digital Union and DataVisor held a signing ceremony in Beijing. The leaders of the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission attended the ceremony and delivered speeches expressing their support and expectations for the union. The anti-fraud union, set on the eve of the “International Consumer Protection Day” will build an open black market sample database to create a solid defense for the protection of global consumer rights, and fight against data fraud to purify the Internet ecological security environment.

As the core asset of the anti-fraud union, the black market sample database is a database based on block chain technology. Under the precondition of fully protecting the privacy of all parties and complying with relevant laws and regulations, the anti-fraud union maximizes the value of data through filter, inspection, analysis, calculation storage and share.

At present, there are 100 million black market samples. All union members construct and share the database, jointly grow it and share the discriminant function. At the same time, as an industry non-profit organization, the anti-fraud union upholds the principle of openness and transparency and expects more companies to join.
